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Links of the Committee for a Workers' International

 Committee for a Workers' International

Main website of the CWI

Informatie over het marxisme en de standpunten van de Linkse Socialistische Partij. Op deze site vind je achtergrondinformatie van de Linkse Socialistische Partij (Belgi�) en Offensief (Nederland). (Sister site of

Infos sur le marxisme et le Comit� pour une Internationale Ouvri�re  (Sister site of in French)


Websites of some of our main sister parties are listed here:

For latest listing go to the CWI website


Australia - Socialist Party

Austria - Sozialistische LinksPartei (SLP)

Belgium (LSP-MAS)

 - also visit

 - also visit Belgium ISR site

Canada - Socialist Alternative

Czech Republic - Socialist Alternative

England and Wales - Socialist Party

France - Gauche Revoluionnaire

Germany - Socialist Alternative

Greece - Xekinima

India: New Socialist Alternative,

Ireland: Socialist Party:  Ireland (North) and Ireland ( South

Ireland Youth - Socialist Youth

Israel - Maavak

Netherlands - Offensief

Nigeria - Democratic Socialist Movement

Pakistan Trade Union Rights Campaign

Portugal - Socialismo Revolucionario

Russia -

Scotland International Socialists

Sweden R�ttvisepartiet Socialisterna

Turkey - Militan

USA - Socialist Alternative

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